
Sholem Aleichem Down Under

Check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4eQPyIv5fY
It's a YouTube clip of our Sholem Aleichem Bobblehead Doll in action in Australia, sent to me by Rokhl Kafrissen, our Rootless Cosmopolitan blogger and organizer, who provides transliteration and translation below —

Nu, if you want a Sholem Aleichem Bobblehead of your own, visit www.jewishcurrents.org!

We love Yiddish because it is THE language
Here we come, it's the weekend and we're speaking Yiddish non-stop
It rings in our ears and warms the heart
Because Yiddish is... the new black!

Here we come, here we come

From Czernowitz to Melbourne isn't too far
Even though it takes a long time on an airplane
So you say you have Yiddish in your blood
Then sing with us our refrain!

Here we come...

We're bringing from Australia to the rest of the world
this rap which has been a hit everywhere
Mameloshn blooms here from generation to generation
Together we sing it with one voice, high and clear!

Mir hobn lib yiddish vayl es iz di shprakh
mir kumen on di sof vokh redn yiddish a sakh
es klingt undz in di oyrn varemt undz di hartz
vayl yiddish iz...di nayer shvartz!

mir kumen on etc

fun czernowitz keyn melbourne iz nisht zeyer vayt
khotsh af an aeroplan doyert es a langer tsayt

yo ir hot gezogt az ir hot yidish in di tseynto lomir itster zingn undzer refrayn

mir kumen on

Mir brengen fun oystralye tsu der gantser velt
undzer rap vos hot umetum gefelt
mameloshn blit bay undz fun dor tsu dor
tsuzmen in eyn kol zing men hoykh un klor


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